

This is a chronicling of Keith Dadd's log of European Theatre of Operations for Btry "A" 399th AFA Bn 8th Armoured Div. The log was started on Nov 7, 1944 through 1945. I will be posting for each corresponding day to the journal starting Jan 1st 2012. This means that Nov - Dec 1944 will come after thereby making this blog not in chronological order.

Please note: I strive to maintain the integrity of the log. Therefore, I will not correct any spelling of grammar mistakes and will post entries as is. (sic.)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Greetings all interested in the journey of Keith Dadd (my Maternal Grandfather) through Europe during World War 2. This blog will follow his log day by day for days with entries. I will be starting the posts as of January 1st 2012 (67 years after it was written). This log was started on November 7th 1944 which means that entries for November and December of 1944 will come after the entries for 1945. You may be asking yourself why name this blog "Heil Dumkopf", this is due to the fact that the packet which contained my grandfathers journal had a German poster in it which said "Heil! Dumkopf" (roughly translated to "Hailing! fool") as can be seen below.

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