

This is a chronicling of Keith Dadd's log of European Theatre of Operations for Btry "A" 399th AFA Bn 8th Armoured Div. The log was started on Nov 7, 1944 through 1945. I will be posting for each corresponding day to the journal starting Jan 1st 2012. This means that Nov - Dec 1944 will come after thereby making this blog not in chronological order.

Please note: I strive to maintain the integrity of the log. Therefore, I will not correct any spelling of grammar mistakes and will post entries as is. (sic.)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29th 1945

Haven't had a good nights sleep
in a week. Went into a
position near a German Army
camp. 35th doughs resting. Bunch
of fellows bought pistols.

March 28th 1945

Met the 35th INF. Their
losses pretty heavy. Saw pleanty
of our boys + theirs in a woods
where they had it out. Most
of the cattle dead in barns.
Blood all over.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 27th 1945

Crossed Rhine in early morning
went into position where
we will prepair to spearhead
one flank of the ninth's drive

Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26th 1945

Fired all day. Sgt. Koeks
Kocm's gun shot the lan's
out of the tube.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 25th 1945

This morning we opened up
with every gun on the
front. To pave the way for
the infantry to cross
800 guns in a 50 mile.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22nd 1945

105 Inf Cannon Co. in front
of us. Six guns to A battrey.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 21th 1945

Shot at a deer with my
carbine. Really didn't
try to hit it. Kraut
Planes over again but
didn't bother us.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20th 1945

Still loading ammunition
Kraut plane came over at
night. All machine gunns
opened up on it. Didn't
get. Too dark out. I got
in a short burst (100 RD's)

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19th 1945

Getting in a tremendous amount
of ammunition. Everybody
working. It's the hardest I've
worked since ----------

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 18th 1945

Left rest center for
the front again. Arrived
at town across the Rhine
from Duieseburg great
industrial center.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 15th 1945

Boat got back from England
sent German gun home.
Cleaned machine gun.

March 14th 1945

--No Entry--

March 13th 1945

Got a new field jacket its
about time. Turned in
shoe packs + socks. Drew
summer underware

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12th 1945

Got a box from home with
pipe, candy, tobacco. Everything
in good condition. We were
shelled today for awhile
Kraut planes went over high
looked like Foch-Wolf! 190

Focke-Wulf Fw 190

March 11th 1945

Frank and took in snow
then fried egg's and made
oatmeal. Good chow.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 10th 1945

Went to for rest
have a medium size farm house
pleanty of egg's, meat. Frank
+ I are sleeping in kitchen
pulling guard every night

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4th 1945

Left Rineburgh for rest
delay so did not go to
rest area. Caught a few
Kraut shell's. Pulled guard.

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 3rd 1945

Fired on paratroopers in
woods. Really hit them