

This is a chronicling of Keith Dadd's log of European Theatre of Operations for Btry "A" 399th AFA Bn 8th Armoured Div. The log was started on Nov 7, 1944 through 1945. I will be posting for each corresponding day to the journal starting Jan 1st 2012. This means that Nov - Dec 1944 will come after thereby making this blog not in chronological order.

Please note: I strive to maintain the integrity of the log. Therefore, I will not correct any spelling of grammar mistakes and will post entries as is. (sic.)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23rd, 1945

Built mess kit rack's + done other
work + goofed off as usual.
Got electricity in and the
radio  playing. Sounds good.
Been cold all day. All kinds
of rumor's.

July 22nd, 1945

Slept to 11:00 o'clock then fooled
around the rest of the day

July 21st, 1945

Arrived at Bruckenau Germany
after 250 mile road march.[indistinguishable text]
but aint started and at 6:00 in
morning + got here at 10:00 night

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Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20th, 1945

Got stuff packed to go
to Germany. Anna + brother
cried because we were going
They're like brother + sister
to us.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 17th, 1945

Went to a show but didn't
see it as the film was no
good. Rained.

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16th, 1945

Nothing much happened. Got orders
that we will leave for
Germany Saturday. Pretty hot
day here today. Bought pistol
from Sgt. Habbeger  .32 Cal.

July 15th, 1945

Took a ride on a bicycle to
next town. Dead here as

July 14th, 1945

Same thing again today her'se
hopeing we get out of here soon.
Had dental inspection - what
a laugh. Went to Katoby with
Moore and Kerns - Another dead

Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 13th, 1945

Friday the 13th and
nothing happened as nobody seems
to be awake enough to do anything
good what a life. This place makes
Darchau look like a rest camp.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9th, 1945


Cut some trees for kitchen
tent + goofed off the rest of
the afternoon. Sun is shineing
for a change. Studied Check
at night

Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8th, 1945


The sun's out for a change
am trying to learn chec from
Anna. Getting my clothes pressed
Big celebration in town of
Katoby (zech) Didn't go

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7th, 1945


Phils Birthday not
much doing here. Rained most
of the day. On guard at
kitchen tonight.

July 6th, 1945

Schedule in affect - road march +
close order. Rain.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5th, 1945

Moved into a house
met Anna and her brother
who run the farm.  Sleeping
wither three other guys's.  All
from the Eighth Armoured 399A.F.A.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2nd, 1945

Transfered to 196th F.A Bn
About 30 miles from 399th
little village - same size
as Kobhel. -- Name.

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June 30th - July 1st, 1945

--No Entries--